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Halloween Black and Orange Bouquet
Halloween Black and Orange Bouquet
* Please select your desired arrangement size from the size box provided above. By default, the smallest available size will be automatically selected. For specific information regarding the size of the arrangement shown in the picture, please refer to the product description box below.
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Do you think about sending flowers to your loved ones during the halloween season? Are you looking for an idea for a small gift? Or maybe you just want to give flowers that will create an atmosphere of autumn and Halloween at home? This product is a great idea for a combination of fresh flowers and autumn accessories!
A bouquet with black and white roses and orange flowers is a great Halloween decoration! Beautiful arrangement! Autumn is a season with a unique atmosphere. Spooky flower arrangement is a good idea this season. Send your loved ones something unusual and make them happy. We deliver Halloween arrangements all over England.
The bouquet consists of:
- Orange Carnations
- Black Painted Roses
- White Roses
- Mini Pumpkin
- Leaves and Decorations
If you want you can add a message card to your flowers.
Please note the bouquet pictured contains 18 stems.